Contact us

Name of employment business: TIPNGO LTD
Type of contract you will be engaged under: Contract of Services
Who will be responsible for paying you: TIPNGO LTD
How often you will be paid: Weekly on every Friday
Expected or minimum rate of pay: The minimum rate of pay will be at least the
current National Minimum Wage
Deductions from your pay required by law: Income Tax, National Insurance, student
loan, etc
Any other deductions or costs from your pay (to include amounts or how they are calculated): 4% employee pension contribution (NEST)
Any fees for goods or services: N/A
Holiday entitlement and pay: 12.07% of your total working hours in a
financial year. Up to Maximum of 28
Additional benefits: 3% employer pension contribution (NEST)
1% government contribution

Health and Safety as a Work Policy Statement in Accordance with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.

The Company is committed to providing a safe working environment and to care for the health and safety of its employees. The Company has a strict policy that it will comply with the provisions of the Health and Safety Work Act 1974 and all associated regulations and codes of practice that are made and may come into force under it from time to time.

The Company will comply with what is regarded as best practice in relation to the work that it carries out. The following is a general policy statement.


The Directors have ultimate responsibility for Health and Safety matters and are committed to ensuring that standards are upheld, and that enough funding and training is made available.

At all times the Company will conduct its activities in such a manner as to ensure that the health and safety of its employees are not affected and that they are not exposed to risk. Where risks exist, the Company will do everything that is reasonable to reduce them. In this respect there are two broad areas that the Company will seek to ensure means that the health and safety of its employees will be placed first.


It is important that there is a clear recognition of the lines of responsibility in relation to health and safety matters so that areas of health and safety are not ignored or neglected. In this respect the general lines are:

  1. Overall responsibility for health and safety policy rests with Valeria Vornicescu, Director TIPNGO.
  2. Overall responsibility for the day to day implementation of Health and Safety Policy rests with H&S Manager of the site where you work.
  3. The Company takes its duties of consultation very seriously and responsibility for consultation with employees on health and safety issues rests with the head of the site where you work. Where appropriate this consultation will take place through trade unions or staff representatives.
  4. On a day to day basis, managers have responsibility for implementing health and safety policies and employees must ensure that they comply with all rules, regulations, instructions or other measures to ensure health and safety at work and they must co-operate with their managers in this respect.
  5. On a day to day basis there are set procedures should an accident occur, and employees should be fully acquainted with these procedures and know who your health and safety at work representative is. The person to whom any queries should be directed in relation to any accident you may have at work is the line manager or any other manager on site.


The Company carries out the following in order to ensure that the health and safety standards are complied with:

  1. Assessment of risks in the workplace to the health and safety of employees and identification of measures that need to be implemented to comply with all health and safety obligations. Periodic risk assessments are carried out for this purpose.
  2. The provision of:
    1. A safe place of work by ensuring that all equipment, machinery and safety devices thereon, locations and means of access and egress to the workplace are such that the environment is safe;
    2. All necessary safety equipment and clothing:
    3. Instruction and training to ensure safety standards are complied with.
  3. The establishment of clear emergency procedures.
  4. Regular consultation with the workforce to ensure that they are fully aware of safety matters, can air their concerns and that there is full co-operation between the Company and the workforce.


In order to assist the Company in ensuring safety standards are met, the employee has a responsibility to ensure that he/she is fully conversant with all requisite standards and any failure to comply with health and safety standards may amount to a disciplinary offence. As part of this duty the employee should:

Actively co-operate with the Company to ensure that this health and safety policy is met by complying with all safety instructions or directions that are issued, ensuring that the health and safety of other persons are taken into account by complying with all health and safety requirements and by using all safety equipment or clothing that has provided.

Ensure that any equipment or machinery is used in accordance with safety instructions.

Immediately report any malfunction or other difficulty with machinery or equipment that could be a risk or health hazard.

Report any accidents that occur and co-operate in any investigation.


In keeping with current regulations, it is against the law to smoke in the premises. The Company provides an external smoking area. The definition of smoking includes E cigarettes.


Any injury at work or accident must be IMMEDIATELY reported to your supervisor who will make an entry in the unit accident book. Any queries must be addressed to the head of your site.

This policy is for your own good and must be adhered to. If there are any queries about the policy, you may contact the head of site or the personnel manager who may consult with the Directors and/or Health & Safety Consultant.


You should be fully conversant with this fire policy, which is for your own safety:

a) The workplace

You should make yourself fully aware of your nearest fire exit and alternative exits and you should be aware of the details of the procedures and assembly points in the event of a fire. These are posted on notice boards and you should be familiar with them. A Fire Marshall is appointed to your area/floor and their name is on the notice boards.

Regular drills will be carried out to ensure everyone knows the procedure.

The fire assembly point is located near the Gatehouse/Security Office.

b) If you witness a fire

Evacuate the building immediately and head towards the assembly point

Do not attempt to tackle a fire yourself unless you have been trained and are able to do so.

The Company wants healthy staff, not heroes!

c) In the event of a fire

In the event of a fire the Fire Marshall will be responsible for the evacuation of your floor. You should follow the Fire Marshall’s instructions. You should in any event make your way to the nearest exit. You should leave immediately in a calm and orderly manner and should not stop to collect personal possessions or any other items.


Member of:

Tipngo Ltd

66 Dunnock Road,
NN18 8FP

Company number 08960782

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